Game Engine > Scripts

vor gamers: mouselook script


Uit een oude game tutorial een mouse-look script, graag copyright respecteren!
Werkt ook nog in 2.71  ;)

--- Code: ---###############################################
#  Customizable FPS Script (v2.3)
#   by Riyuzakisan (9/29/2011)
#   Made in Blender 2.59.0, r39307
#  Contact:

#  Released under the Creative Commons
#  Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

#  If you use this code, please include
#  this information header.
||  This script includes:
||  -Mouselook
||  -Simple player movement (optional)
||   -Location (static) movement
||    OR
||   -Dynamic movement
||  Instructions
||  1. Add a Mouse: Movement sensor
||  (Doesn't need a specific name)
||  2. Add a Python controller and use this
||  script in the Script text line
||  3. Connect the Mouse sensor to the
||  python controller.
||  To use as a Module:
||  1. Name the script: <script name>.py
||  2. Set the Python Controller to Module
||  3. Type your script name into the module
|| like so:
||   <script name>.main
||  Mouselook Configuration
||  You can add the following properties to the
||  object using this mouselook script for additional
||  configuration options.
||  "Property Name"   Type   Value
||  "Adjust" Integer #
||  -Sensitivity of the mouse
||  -Recommended: 2-3
||  "Invert" Boolean True/False
||  -Invert the direction of the mouse movement
||  "Cap"    Integer True/False
||  -Set the angle limit of looking up/down
||  -Use a value of 0-180
||  "Enable" Boolean True/False
||  -Lets you Enable/Disable the mouselook script
||  -Useful for disabling mouselook on menu screens
||  "Cursor" Boolean True/False
||  -Lets you Enable/Disable the mouse cursor
||  "UseParent" Boolean True/False
||  -Set if you want the parent of your script object
||   to inherit the Left/Right rotation from the script
||  Note:
||   If you don't create this property, the parent
||   object (by default) will receive the Left/Right
||   rotation. This property is used to Disable that.
|| "Layout" Integer 1-2
|| -Use a value of 1 or 2 to set the keyboard layout
|| 1: WASD, Space, Left Shift, E Q (Right handed)
|| -Suitable for Right Handed users
|| 2: IJKL, Space, Right Shift, U O
|| -Suitable for Left Handed users
|| -If you put any other value, it will be set
|| to 1 by default (WASD layout)
||  Location Movement Configuration
||  This simple movement system gives your
||  camera basic movement control without
||  having to set up a player object.
||  This is designed for non-parented cameras.
||  IT WILL NOT WORK if the camera is parented
||  to another object!
||  Requirements:
||  -Keyboard Sensor : True Pulse[```] : All Keys
||  Instructions:
||  1. Connect a Keyboard sensor to the script controller
||  Enable True Pulse [```], and Enable All Keys
||  Property Parameters:
||  "lMove" Boolean True/False
||  -Set this to True to use Location Movement
||  "lSpeed" Float #.##
||  -Set the movement speed of the player
||  -Default: 0.05
||  -Controls: W S A D / I K J L
||  "lFly" Float #.##
||  -Set the fly speed of the player
||  -Default: 0.05
||  -Controls: Q E / O U
||  Dynamic Movement Configuration
||  This feature gives you the option to set up
||  dynamic movement for your player. The movement
||  uses Linear Velocity.
||  Requirements:
||  -Keyboard Sensor : True Pulse [```] : All Keys
||  -Script object must have a Dynamic parent object
||  -If you want to jump, add these sensors to the
|| PARENT object and connect them to the script
|| controller:
||  -Collision sensor
||  -Ray sensor
||  Note: Sensors do not need to be named and will
|| auto-configure themselves
||  Instructions:
||  1. Connect a Keyboard sensor to the Script controller
||  Enable True Pulse [```], and Enable All Keys
||  Property Parameters:
||  "dMove" Boolean True/False
||  -Set this to True to turn on Dynamic Movement
||  "dSpeed" Integer #
||  -Set the movement speed of the player
||  -Default: 10
||  -Controls: W S A D / I K J L
||  "dJump" Integer #
||  -Set the jump speed of the player
||  -Default: 10
||  -Controls: Space
||  -Requires: Collision and Ray sensors
||  "dRange" Integer #
||  -Set the range for how close the player
||   must be to an object to jump (ray sensor)
||  -Default: 2
|| "dFly" Boolean True/False
|| -Set the option to jump and move without
|| having to make contact with the ground
|| Crouching/Sneaking:
|| -Makes player move slower
|| -Controls: Left Shift / Right Shift

||  Thanks to
||  -Blender Artist contributors for support
|| with the Game Engine
||  -Mouselook script from

from bge import logic as l
from bge import render as r
from bge import events as e

def main():
c = l.getCurrentController()
o = c.owner

# Default settings
Sensitivity = 0.0005
Invert = 1
Capped = False
Enable = True
Cursor = False
Useparent = False
Parent = None

# get game window size
size = windowSize()

# get the mouse movement sensor
mouse = getMouse(c, o)

# define mouse movement
move = mouseMove(c, o, size, mouse)

# get optional configuration from object properties
sensitivity = mouseSen(o, Sensitivity)
invert = mouseInv(o, Invert)
capped = mouseCap(o, move, invert, Capped)
enable = mouseEnable(o, Enable)
parent = getParent(c, o, Parent)
useparent = useParent(c, o, Useparent, parent)

# take action
showCursor(o, Cursor)
mouseUse(c, o, move, sensitivity, invert, capped, enable, parent, useparent)
mouseCenter(c, size, mouse, enable)

# keyboard location movement
useLoc(c, o)

# keyboard movement


def windowSize():
width = r.getWindowWidth()
height = r.getWindowHeight()

return (width, height)


def getMouse(c, o):
mouse = None

for i in c.sensors:
if str(i.__class__) == "<class 'SCA_MouseSensor'>":
if i.mode == 9:
mouse = i

return mouse


def mouseMove(c, o, size, mouse):

if mouse != None:

width = size[0]
height = size[1]

x = width/2 - mouse.position[0]
y = height/2 - mouse.position[1]

if 'mousestart' not in o:
o['mousestart'] = True
x = 0
y = 0

if not mouse.positive:
x = 0
y = 0

return (x, y)


def mouseSen(o, sen):

if 'Adjust' in o:
if o['Adjust'] < 0.0:
o['Adjust'] = 0.0

sen = o['Adjust'] * sen

return sen


def mouseInv(o, invert):

if 'Invert' in o:
if o['Invert'] == True:
invert = -1
invert = 1

return invert

def mouseCap(o, move, invert, capped):

if 'Cap' in o:
import mathutils as m
from math import pi

if o['Cap'] > 180:
o['Cap'] = 180
if o['Cap'] < 0:
o['Cap'] = 0

camP = o.parent
camO = o.localOrientation

camZ = [camO[0][2], camO[1][2], camO[2][2]]

pZ = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

v1 = m.Vector(camZ)
v2 = m.Vector(pZ)

rads = m.Vector.angle(v2, v1)
angle = rads * (180.00 / pi)

capAngle = o['Cap']

moveY = move[1] * invert

if (angle > (90 + capAngle/2) and moveY > 0) or (angle < (90 - capAngle/2) and moveY < 0) == True:

capped = True

return capped


def mouseEnable(o, enable):

if 'Enable' in o:
if o['Enable'] == True:
enable = True
enable = False

return enable


def showCursor(o, cursor):
notset = False
if 'Cursor' in o:
if o['Cursor'] == True:
cursor = True
cursor = False
# This is in case the player doesn't want the mouselook script
# overriding their own cursor visibility settings
notset = True

if notset == False:
if cursor == True:


def getParent(c, o, parent):

# if there is no parent, it returns None
# which is the default anyway
parent = o.parent
return parent


def useParent(c, o, useparent, parent):

# useparent = False if o has no parent

# if there is a parent
if parent != None:

# if there is no useparent property
if 'UseParent' not in o:
useparent = True
if o['UseParent'] == True:
useparent = True
useparent = False

# if there is no parent   
if parent == None:
useparent = False

return useparent

# UseParent can only be set to True if there is a parent object
# if a parent is present, it will be used unless you create and set UseParent to False


def mouseUse(c, o, move, sen, invert, capped, enabled, parent, useparent):

if capped == True:
vert = 0
vert = move[1] * sen * invert

horz = move[0] * sen * invert

# Apply rotation values
if enabled == True:
ori = o.localOrientation.to_euler()
ori.x += vert
if useparent == False:
ori.z += horz
ori2 = parent.localOrientation.to_euler()
ori2.z += horz
parent.localOrientation = ori2
o.localOrientation = ori


def mouseCenter(c, size, mouse, enabled):

if mouse != None:
width = size[0]
height = size[1]

pos = mouse.position

if pos != [int(width/2), int(height/2)]:
if enabled != False:
r.setMousePosition(int(width/2), int(height/2))   


# meant for non-parented cameras
# lMove
def useLoc(c, o):
if 'lMove' in o and o['lMove'] == True and o.parent == None:

key =

if 'lSpeed' in o:
loc = o['lSpeed']
loc = 0.05

if 'lFly' in o:
fly = o['lFly']
fly = 0.05

layout = 1

if 'Layout' in o:
if o['Layout'] != 1 or o['Layout'] != 2:
layout = 1
if o['Layout'] == 1:
layout = 1
elif o['Layout'] == 2:
layout = 2

if layout == 1:
up = key[e.WKEY] == 2
down = key[e.SKEY] == 2
left = key[e.AKEY] == 2
right = key[e.DKEY] == 2

flyUp = key[e.QKEY] == 2
flyDown = key[e.EKEY] == 2
elif layout == 2:
up = key[e.IKEY] == 2
down = key[e.KKEY] == 2
left = key[e.JKEY] == 2
right = key[e.LKEY] == 2

flyUp = key[e.OKEY] == 2
flyDown = key[e.UKEY] == 2

move = [0, 0, 0]
fmove = [0, 0, 0]

# Up
if up:
move[2] = -loc

# Down
if down:
move[2] = loc

# Left 
if left:
move[0] = -loc

# Right 
if right:
move[0] = loc

# Fly up
if flyUp:
fmove[2] = fly

# Fly down
if flyDown:
fmove[2] = -fly

o.applyMovement(move, True)
o.applyMovement(fmove, False)


# dMove
def dynamicMovement(own):
if own.parent != None:
if 'dMove' in own and own['dMove'] == True:
o = own.parent
k =

layout = 1
fly = False

if 'Layout' in own:
if own['Layout'] != 1 or own['Layout'] != 2:
layout = 1
if own['Layout'] == 1:
layout = 1
elif own['Layout'] == 2:
layout = 2

if 'dFly' in own:
if own['dFly'] == True:
fly = True
fly = False

if layout == 1:
up = k[e.WKEY] == 2
down = k[e.SKEY] == 2
left = k[e.AKEY] == 2
right = k[e.DKEY] == 2

jump = k[e.SPACEKEY] == 2
crouch = k[e.LEFTSHIFTKEY] == 2
elif layout == 2:
up = k[e.IKEY] == 2
down = k[e.KKEY] == 2
left = k[e.JKEY] == 2
right = k[e.LKEY] == 2

jump = k[e.SPACEKEY] == 2
crouch = k[e.RIGHTSHIFTKEY] == 2

col = None
ray = None
#"<class 'KX_TouchSensor'>"
#"<class 'KX_RaySensor'>"
for i in o.sensors:
if str(i.__class__) == "<class 'KX_TouchSensor'>":
col = i
if str(i.__class__) == "<class 'KX_RaySensor'>":
ray = i

rray = False
ccol = False

if ray != None:
ray.range = 2
if 'dRange' in own:
ray.range = own['dRange']
ray.axis = 5
# 5 = -Z axis

if ray.positive:
rray = True

if col != None:
if col.positive:
ccol = True

speed = 10
jspeed = 0
jumpspeed = 10
limit = .75

if 'dSpeed' in own:
speed = own['dSpeed']
if 'dJump' in own:
jumpspeed = own['dJump']

if crouch and o['air'] == False:
speed = speed/3
limit = .95

fspeed = speed * (up - down)
sspeed = speed * (right - left)

if fspeed and sspeed:
fspeed *= 0.70710678
sspeed *= 0.70710678

if 'air' not in o:
o['air'] = False

if (o['air'] == True or not ccol) and fly == False:
fspeed *= .005
sspeed *= .005

if jump and o['air'] == False and rray and not crouch:
jspeed = jumpspeed
o['air'] = True

if jump and fly == True:
jspeed = 1

elif ccol and not jump:
o['air'] = False

o.localLinearVelocity[0] += sspeed
o.localLinearVelocity[1] += fspeed
o.localLinearVelocity[2] += jspeed

for i in o.localLinearVelocity:
ind = list(o.localLinearVelocity).index(i)
if ind != 2:
if i > speed:
i = speed
if i < -speed:
i = -speed
o.localLinearVelocity[ind] = i

if o['air'] == False:
if not up and not down:
o.localLinearVelocity[1] -= o.localLinearVelocity[1]*limit
if not left and not right:
o.localLinearVelocity[0] -= o.localLinearVelocity[0]*limit
elif o['air'] == True and fly == False:
for i in o.localLinearVelocity:
ii = i*0.02
ind = list(o.localLinearVelocity).index(i)
if ind != 2:
o.localLinearVelocity[ind] += ii
if fly == True and crouch == True:
o.localLinearVelocity[2] = 0


# If script is not set as a module, it will run this way

--- Einde van code ---

Ooit ga ik met script aan de gang dan heb ik je hulp hard nodig :)

OK, kan (helaas mag ik de video niet uitlenen, maar ik ga kijken en dan je vragen proberen te beantwoorden).

is nie meer nodig zit een logic blokje in nu voor de mouselook


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